During the winters, an annual event organized in the Golden City of Rajasthan – Jaisalmer makes the desert come alive with bright and vibrant colours. This three days festival held every year in the month of February showcases the rich Rajasthani folk culture. The entire city of Jaisalmer is bustling with colours, music and dance, Rajasthani men and women dressed beautifully in hued costumes sing and dance on the haunting ballads of valour, romance and tragedy. The Desert Festival is a great extravaganza with various competitions and contest happening such as turban tying competition, longest moustaches competition, entertaining puppet shows, folk dance competition and renowned musicians participate in various folk musical recitals. Camels also are one of the main highlight of this event as they take part in camel polo, camel dance and some other contests. This joyful festival of traditional Rajasthani culture and performing art and craft comes to an end with a captivating sound and light show amidst the sand dunes on a moonlit night.
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