One of the most renowned festivals celebrated in Rajasthan, the Elephant Festival is an annual festival held every year in the Pink City, Jaipur. It is celebrated every year during the time of Holi. Symbol of royalty, elephant plays a key role in the culture of Rajasthan. The festival is celebrated to honor the same importance of elephants in Rajasthan and the entire Indian society.
This day- long festival is a great event that cannot be missed. The festival is organized every year by the Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation at its official venue, Rambagh Polo Ground in Jaipur. The festival attracts people from across India and overseas.
During this festival, elephants are nicely decked-up and are clothed with colorful velvets and rugs that have beautiful embroidery on them. They are decorated with heavy ornaments and bells. Their necks are adorned with colorful scarves. Traditional Indian motifs are painted on their bodies. Beautiful head plates decorate their foreheads.
The colorful festival begins with a traditional procession, when the musicians play folk tunes, dancers perform with the beats and elephants march along in the parade. The parade is followed by ‘best decorated elephant’ competition, games like elephant polo, tug-of-war, elephant races and special exhibition called ‘elephant decoration Though elephants are the focus of the festival, other animals like camels and horses are also decorated beautifully and presented in the parade. When the procession ends, people are invited to mount the elephants and play with colors.
The colors and excitement of the festival bring out the glory of Rajasthani culture. The festival forms a great platform for presenting the folk tradition of Rajasthan. Folk dancers perform to entertain all the people. At the end of the festival, there is an amazing display of fireworks.
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